Spiritual Life Coaching

Remember who you are and live in alignment with your higher purpose

With over a decade of experience, Jessi is an expert at helping soul-led humans embody authenticity, purpose, joy, love and abundance whilst connecting to their inner wisdom and unique gifts.

Through a unique blend of inner child work, somatic trauma coaching, energy healing and connection with your Spirit Guides, Jessi supports seekers in stepping in to who they came here to be.

After healing herself of IBS, anxiety, depression and a Valium addiction, Jessi is adept at navigating and supporting clients as they move through phases of transition in life or as it’s better known; ‘dark night’s of the soul.’ As a master of energy, she has a unique ability to hold her clients in their highest light with love and compassion, making space for their authentic transformation.

Life Coaching sessions with Jessi are a sacred space to explore what is holding you back and to realign you your highest expansion and growth.

As a facilitator, Jessi is committed to holding the frequencies of love and compassion for everyone she works with, empowering them to reconnect with what is important to them and how to trust their inner wisdom.


To find out more about working together book a free 15 minute discovery call

  • From our very first session, I’ve felt both safe and seen. Working with Jessi has helped me uncover parts of myself that I had long suppressed or ignored; deep inner child wounds that I thought I had let go years ago!!! With Jesse’s meditations, visualizations, and mindfulness techniques, I've also connected with God more deeply, and now with the three of us (God, Jessi and me!).

    Daviece Clement

  • This work with Jessi is genuinely life changing. I feel different on the inside - which is the most important part .

    Olivia Coles

  • Working with Jessi 100% changed my life. I struggling with aching, anxiety and life in general and didn't believe anything would work. If you're thinking of working with her, give it a go - it will change your life.

    Bex Collis

  • Jessi is great at being gentle and also giving you a push in the right direction when you need it! It's hard to put into words how much i've gotten out of this journey. Thank you Jessi!

    Jade Sara

  • 4 weeks in has already been life changing. Jessi is amazing at what she does. Truly one of the best decisions I have ever made. Very grateful I stumbled upon you!

    Jennifer Rossi

  • Jessi has helped me see my full potential and given me the confidence and tools to share that potential with the world. A truly inspirational woman whose journey is solely to empower others.

    Megan Elizabeth Giles

  • Working with Jess is life changing. I am so glad I made the important decision to invest in myself - the best investment you can make!

    Pam Maprang Khewakhaw

If you’re looking to:

  • Create huge shifts in all areas of your life

  • Uncover what it means to live with authenticity, freedom and self compassion

  • Work holistically with a combination of coaching (for the mind) and energy healing (for the spirit)

  • Release self judgement, shame and criticism and move towards love, forgiveness and acceptance

  • Find calm within the chaos and reconnect to what really matters in your life

  • Release stress and anxiety and return to a place of clarity and connection

  • Move forward with clarity and insight

  • Connect to your intuition, gut instincts and spirit guides

  • Take a brave step forwards in your live with exceptional support and guidance

Spiritual Life Coaching with Jessi is a path of healing and expansion into as you reclaim the full life you came here to live.

Whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth…

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Working together is for you if:

  • You are open to your life to transforming beyond what you can imagine

  • You are willing to take full responsibility for every area of your life and to examine your ‘shadows’

  • You are open to trying new things; energy healing, inner-child work, breathwork, meditation, affirmations and manifestation techniques

  • You know that you find yourself here for a reason and are willing to trust yourself to do what is right for you

Working together probably isn’t for you if:

  • You are seeking a “quick fix” solution (realisations happen instantly, but integration takes as long as it takes)

  • You aren’t open to spirituality, energy healing or other eastern philosophies

  • You don’t believe that healing is possible

  • You are looking for traditional talking psychotherapy

  • You aren’t willing to explore your beliefs and perspectives and create new pathways for possibility

  • You aren’t willing to show up on time and be present


Your Coaching Journey

During each session you can expect powerful breakthroughs, multiple ‘eureka’ moments and to leave feeling grounded, present and embodied in your wisdom.

To find out more about working together book a free 15 minute discovery call

What you can expect

  • Weekly 1:1 sessions (in person/online) where we compassionately explore your life and you experience powerful shifts and breakthroughs.

    Sessions begin with a grounding meditation led by Jessi followed by an intention setting for each session.

  • You will receive personalised recorded guided meditation and breathwork practices to support your growth and integration. These will be posted to Insight Timer so you can practice in between your sessions. Occasional ‘homework’ will be given by Jessi which includes journalling, reflections, affirmations, self love practice and inner child work.

  • Each session concludes with Jessi clearing your energy so ensure you leave the experience feeling calm, grounded and clear. This combination provides a powerful holistic container for healing tending to the mind (coaching) and the body and spirit (energy healing).

  • Jessi uses Whatsapp to communicate in between sessions for ease and speed. Your private conversations provides a safe space for reflection and clarification if required in between sessions.

  • After a decade of healing and training, Jessi recently completed a years certification with Dr Gabor Mate MD in Compassionate Inquiry™ which now underpins all of her work in the healing space. As a facilitator, Jessi is committed to holding the frequencies of love and compassion for everyone she works with, empowering them to reconnect with what is important to them and how to trust their inner wisdom.

What it feels like to work with Jessi

With Jessi’s guidance and support, I've experienced SUCH a profound transformation in such a relatively short period of time, finding an inner confidence and radiant joy that I don’t think I’ve experienced in my whole 42 years of living!

If you're seeking profound transformation and inner peace and bad-ass super confidence, I highly recommend embarking on an empowering journey with Jessi! This work has been life-changing, and I want everyone who wants this kind of power to work with Jessi and get it!

-Daviece Clement